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Volunteer Group Clears Logjams for Cheap

But if county was willing to pay, perhaps an opportunity was missed. 

The Macomb Daily (Michigan) reports that a local charity has agreed to clear the logjams from the Clinton River for just $5,000 a year, with the help of 200 volunteers and corporate contributions.  The We Are Here Foundation (EIN 38-3411564 Form 990) appears to be a project of founder and president Tom Cleaver.  There is no staff, but the organization reports income of $221,326, about half of which is cash from contributions and the sale of (unspecified) inventory.  Another article in the Oakland Press describes Mr. Cleaver as an enthusiast who organizes 50 to 60 volunteers and obtains funding and in-kind support from the Ford Motor Co., Visteon, Home Depot, and Michigan Caterpillar. 

Mr. Cleaver suggests that his group could do "$80,000 to $100,000 worth of work" that would otherwise go to contractors.  The county actually allocates tens of thousands of dollars to municipalities for the clean-up, according to the report.   An additional benefit is that the volunteer group can provide a comprehensive clean up for the whole county, and one that is more environmentally sensitive. 

While the volunteer project is helpful, it could be that an opportunity was missed by lowballing the cleanup cost.  A higher bid, still lower than the commercial alternative, might have provided a basis for developing a more sustainable organization.  For instance:  the Clinton River Watershed Council (EIN 38-3216864 Form 990) currently operates entirely with public and government contributions for its $279,000 income.  A program revenue source like contracting with the county for river clearance could be a way for this organization to reduce its almost exclusive reliance on contributions for support. 

Just as the county is interested in a comprehensive river clean up, environmental groups and interested individuals can look to more comprehensive solutions that meet many needs at the same time.  But the balance between comprehensive solutions and enthusiastic volunteers with a vision can be a delicate one. 


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